1. Count 10 objects (Tip: Make sure your child puts their finger on every object and says only 1 number name!)

2. Sort objects by color, size, shape, and quantity of objects (Tip: Have your child count the number of objects in each category.)

3. Play addition and subtraction word games (Tip: Use physical objects! Ex: I have 3 apples slices, then I eat one. How many do I have left?)

4. Teach your child position words like below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to (Tip: Hide a favorite toy anywhere in your home, have your child find the toy and name where it is. Ex: Behind the sofa, in front of the chair)

5. Name shapes like pentagon, triangle, square, circle, rectangle (Tip: Find these shapes around your home, make it a game by awarding points for finding shapes.)

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